un film (VF ou VO)
un acteur
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WYNN Keenan
Texte :
Date de naissance
Date de décès
Vrai nom
- Ciné-Revue numéro 1 (1990)
- Fiches de Monsieur Cinéma
Agence ou contact
Décédé le 14.10.1986 d'un cancer. Fils d'Ed Wynn et Hilda Keenan. Père de Ned Wynn et de la scénariste Tracy Keenan Wynn .....
HYPER SAPIEN : LES VISITEURS DE L'ESPACE (Hyper sapien : people from another star) (1986)
SANS ISSUE (Black moon rising) (1985)
ALERTE SUR WASHINGTON (Prime risk) (1985)
ONDE DE CHOC (Wavelength) (1983)
HYSTERICAL (Hysterical) (1982)
LES MEILLEURS AMIS (Best friends) (1982)
LA DERNIERE LICORNE (The last unicorn) (1982)
SUNBURN (Sunburn) (1979)
JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT (Just tell me what you want) (1979)
LA PLANETE CONTRE UN MILLIARD (Billion dollar threat) (1979)
MONSTER (Monster) (1979)
LES NUITS DE LA VIOLENCE (The dark) (1978)
PIRANHAS (Piranha) (1978)
RAYON LASER (Laserblast) (1978)
A TOUCH OF THE SUN (A touch of the sun) (1978)
LA PROF JOUE ET GAGNE (Coach) (1978)
ORCA (Orca the killer whale) (1977)
HAUTE TENSION (High velocity) (1976)
LES AVENTURIERS DES CARAIBES (The man who would not die) (1976)
LA PLUIE DU DIABLE (The devil's rain) (1975)
NASHVILLE (Nashville) (1974)
CRIME A DISTANCE (The intercine project) (1974)
UN NOUVEL AMOUR DE COCCINELLE (Herbie rides again) (1974)
LE FLINGUEUR (The mechanic) (1972)
CANCEL MY RESERVATION (Cancel my reservation) (1972)
WILD IN THE SKY (Wild in the sky) (1972)
SI TU CROIS FILLETTE (Pretty maids all in a row) (1971)
PADELLA CALIBRO 38 (Padella calibro 38) (1971)
L'UOMO DAGLI OCCHI DI GHIACCIO (L'uomo dagli occhi di ghiaccio) (1970)
LOVING (Loving) (1969)
IL ETAIT UNE FOIS DANS L'OUEST (C'era una volta il west) (1968)
L'OR DE MACKENNA (Mackenna's gold) (1968)
LA VALLEE DU BONHEUR (Finian's rainbow) (1968)
LA CARAVANE DE FEU (The war wagon) (1967)
LE POINT DE NON-RETOUR (Point blank) (1967)
L'ASSASSIN EST-IL COUPABLE ? (Warning shot) (1967)
WELCOME TO HARD TIMES (Welcome to hard times) (1967)
LA DILIGENCE VERS L'OUEST (Stagecoach) (1966)
PROMISE HER ANYTHING (Promise her anything) (1966)
ROBO DE DIAMANTES (Robo de diamantes) (1966)
LA GRANDE COURSE AUTOUR DU MONDE (The great race) (1965)
LE TOUR DU MONDE SOUS LES MERS (Around the world under the sea) (1965)
CE CHER DISPARU (The loved one) (1965)
LES JEUX DE L'AMOUR ET DE LA GUERRE (The americanization of Emily) (1964)
JERRY SOUFFRE-DOULEUR (The patsy) (1964)
TENDRE GARCE (Nightmare in the sun) (1964)
BIKINI BEACH (Bikini beach) (1964)
APRES LUI LE DELUGE (Son of flubber) (1963)
DOCTEUR FOLAMOUR (Doctor Strangelove or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb) (1963)
L'AFFAIRE WINSTONE (The man in the middle) (1963)
KING OF THE ROARING 20'S (King of the roaring 20's) (1961)
LE ROI DES TRUANDS (Il re di poggioreale) (1961)
MONTE LA-D'SSUS (The absent-minded professor) (1961)
LA PUISSANCE ET LA GLOIRE (The power and the glory) (1961)
ALERTE EN PLEIN CIEL (The crowded sky) (1960)
UN TROU DANS LA TETE (A hole in the head) (1959)
UNE ESPECE DE GARCE (That kind of woman) (1959)
VACANCES A PARIS (The perfect furlough) (1958)
LE TEMPS D'AIMER ET LE TEMPS DE MOURIR (A time to love and a time to die) (1958)
EN PATROUILLE (The deep six) (1958)
LA SOIF DU MAL (Touch of evil) (1957)
PRENEZ GARDE A LA FLOTTE (Don't go near the water) (1957)
JOE BUTTERFLY (Joe butterfly) (1957)
JOHNNY CONCHO (Johnny Concho) (1956)
L'HOMME AU COMPLET GRIS (The man in the gray flannel suit) (1956)
SCREEN SNAPSHOTS : PLAYTIME IN HOLLYWOOD (Screen snapshots : playtime in Hollywood) (1956)
LA PANTOUFLE DE VERRE (The glass slipper) (1955)
LES MARAUDEURS (The marauders) (1955)
SHACK OUT ON 101 (Shack out on 101) (1955)
L'ESCADRILLE PANTHERE (Men of the fighting lady) (1954)
LA ROULOTTE DU PLAISIR (The long long trailer) (1954)
LA PERLE NOIRE (All the brothers were valiant) (1953)
TENNESSEE CHAMP (Tennessee champ) (1953)
EMBRASSE-MOI CHERIE (Kiss me Kate) (1953)
L'AUTO SANGLANTE (Code two) (1953)
LE CIRQUE INFERNAL (Battle circus) (1952)
APPEL D'UN INCONNU (Phone call from a stranger) (1952)
DES JUPONS A L'HORIZON (Skirts ahoy !) (1952)
L'INTREPIDE (Fearless Fagan) (1952)
LA BELLE DE NEW YORK (Belle of New York) (1951)
CARNAVAL AU TEXAS (Texas carnival) (1951)
MARIAGE ROYAL (Royal wedding) (1951)
FEMME EN PERIL (Kind lady) (1951)
LAISSE-MOI T'AIMER (Mr. Imperium) (1951)
LE JOUR BENI (It's a big country) (1951)
ANGELS IN THE OUTFIELD (Angels in the outfield) (1951)
TROIS PETITS MOTS (Three little words) (1950)
ANNIE LA REINE DU CIRQUE (Annie get your gun) (1950)
MA BRUTE CHERIE (Love that brute) (1950)
LA FILLE DE NEPTUNE (Neptune's daughter) (1949)
LE BAISER DE MINUIT (That midnight kiss) (1949)
LES TROIS MOUSQUETAIRES (The three musketeers) (1948)
MA CHERE SECRETAIRE (My dear secretary) (1948)
L'INDOMPTEE (B. F.'s daughter) (1948)
MARCHANDS D'ILLUSIONS (The hucksters) (1947)
MEURTRE EN MUSIQUE (Song of the thin man) (1947)
EVE ETERNELLE (Easy to wed) (1946)
RIO, RYTHME D'AMOUR (The thrill of Brazil) (1946)
THE COCKEYED MIRACLE (The cockeyed miracle) (1946)
SANS AMOUR (Without love) (1945)
ZIEGFELD FOLLIES (Ziegfeld follies) (1945)
WEEK-END AU WALDORF (Week-end at the Waldorf) (1945)
L'HORLOGE (The clock) (1944)
LE MARIAGE UNE AFFAIRE PRIVEE (Marriage is a private affair) (1944)
DEPUIS TON DEPART (Since you went away) (1944)
L'ANGE PERDU (Lost angel) (1943)
JE TE RETROUVERAI (Somewhere i'll find you) (1942)
POUR MOI ET MA MIE (For me and my gal) (1942)
NORTHWEST RANGERS (Northwest rangers) (1942)
LA PASSAGERE (Chained) (1934)