© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 08/07/1886
Date de décès 12/08/1953
Vrai nom CRIPPS John Kernan
Agence ou contact
L'HOMME A L'AFFUT (The sniper) (1952)
LE PIGEON D'ARGILE (The clay pigeon) (1949)
FRANCAISE D'OCCASION (Slightly french) (1949)
UN MILLION CLE EN MAINS (Mr Blandings builds his dream house) (1948)
LE BRIGAND DE SILVERADO (Adventures in Silverado) (1948)
LA VIE SECRETE DE WALTER MITTY (The secret life of Walter Mitty) (1947)
ILS ETAIENT QUATRE FRERES (Blaze of noon) (1947)
L'EMPRISE DU CRIME (The strange love of Martha Ivers) (1946)
BEHIND THE MASK (Behind the mask) (1946)
EPOUSEZ-MOI CHERIE (Hold that blonde) (1945)
SUR LA PISTE SANGLANTE (The scarlet clue) (1945)
JOHNNY ANGEL (Johnny Angel) (1945)
LE FAUCON A SAN FRANCISCO (The Falcon in San Francisco) (1945)
ASSURANCE SUR LA MORT (Double indemnity) (1944)
CARAVANE D'AMOUR (Can't help singing) (1944)
L'AMOUR EST UNE MELODIE (Shine on harvest moon) (1944)
SEVEN DAYS ASHORE (Seven days ashore) (1944)
LE FAUCON AU FAR WEST (The Falcon out West) (1944)
SHERLOCK HOLMES A WASHINGTON (Sherlock Holmes in Washington) (1943)
MONSIEUR LUCKY (Mr. Lucky) (1943)
LA SEPTIEME VICTIME (The seventh victim) (1943)
STREET OF CHANCE (Street of chance) (1942)
LA CINQUIEME COLONNE (Saboteur) (1942)
LA BLONDE DE MES REVES (My favorite blonde) (1942)
LE RETOUR DU FAUCON (The falcon takes over) (1942)
FORCATS CONTRE ESPIONS (Seven miles from Alcatraz) (1942)
DR. BROADWAY (Dr. Broadway) (1942)
BACK STREET (Back street) (1941)
LA FEMME INVISIBLE (The invisible woman) (1940)
LE RETOUR DE FRANK JAMES (The return of Frank James) (1940)
VENDREDI 13 (Black friday) (1940)
CROSS-COUNTRY ROMANCE (Cross-country romance) (1940)
WHEN THE DALTONS RODE (When the Daltons rode) (1940)
LA MAISON AUX SEPT PIGNONS (The house of the seven gables) (1940)
CHANTEZ, DANSEZ, MES BELLES ! (Dance, girl, dance) (1940)
AUTANT EN EMPORTE LE VENT (Gone with the wind) (1939)
LES FANTASTIQUES ANNEES 20 (The roaring twenties) (1939)
LE FRELON VERT (The green hornet) (1939)
LAISSEZ-NOUS VIVRE (Let us live) (1939)
JUVENILE COURT (Juvenile court) (1938)
HIT THE SADDLE (Hit the saddle) (1937)
BRAVE JOHNNY (Great guy) (1936)
TOUTE LA VILLE EN PARLE (The whole town's talking) (1935)
NORTHERN FRONTIER (Northern frontier) (1935)
CONTRE-ENQUETE (Those who dance) (1930)
ABRAHAM LINCOLN (Abraham Lincoln) (1930)