Liste des films du thème
Cinéma néo-zélandais (ORIGINE)
(Cinémas nationaux)
HOUSEBOUND Housebound-2014
GISELLE Giselle-2013
BOY Boy-2010
BLACK SHEEP Black sheep-2006
BURT MUNRO The world's fastest Indian-2005
LE SEIGNEUR DES ANNEAUX (3) Lord of the rings-2003
BAD TRIP The locals-2003
PAÏ Te kaieke tohora-2002
STICKMEN Stickmen-2001
RAIN Rain-2000
FACE AUX DEMONS The irrefutable truth about demons-2000
9 ACROSS 9 across-1999
SEVERAL WAYS OF GETTING AROUND Several ways of getting around-1999
THINKING ABOUT SLEEP Thinking about sleep-1999
OUCH Ouch-1999
VENUS BLUE Venus blue-1999
A FUNERAL A funeral-1999
LETTERS ABOUT THE WEATHER Letters about the weather-1999
THE WAITING ROOM The waiting room-1999
THE MURDER HOUSE The murder house-1999
ACCIDENTS Accidents-1999
SARAH'S WASHING Sarah's washing-1999
A FINE WEEKEND A fine weekend-1999
THE GROCER'S APPRENTICE The grocer's apprentice-1999
JUMBO Jumbo-1999
VOICE OVER Voice over-1997
UGLY The ugly-1997
ABERRATION Aberration-1997
THE BAR The bar-1997
SHOES Shoes-1997
MY FIRST BRUSH WITH THE LAW My first brush with the law-1997
POSSUM Possum-1997
LARGER THAN LIFE Larger than life-1997
LIGHT Light-1997
SONG OF THE SIREN Song of the siren-1997
A WOMAN'S HEART A woman's heart-1996
THE ROAD BACK The road back-1996
THE GUEST The guest-1996
A MOMENT PASSING A moment passing-1996
THIS FILM IS A DOG This film is a dog-1996
TIME IS A SPIDER Time is a spider-1996
ORIGINAL SKIN Original skin-1996
WARM GUN Warm gun-1996
FORGOTTEN SILVER Forgotten silver-1996
THE LAST TATTOO The last tattoo-1994
CREATURES CELESTES Heavenly créatures-1994
L'AME DES GUERRIERS Once were warriors-1994
ELEVATION CERTAINE Sure to rise-1993
JACK BE NIMBLE Jack Be Nimble-1993
DESPERATE REMEDIES Desperate remedies-1993
BRAINDEAD Braindead-1992
THE RAINBOW WARRIOR The rainbow warrior-1992
ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE Absent without leave-1992
MOONRISE Moonrise-1991
CRUSH Crush-1991
THE RETURNING The returning-1990
SHRIMP ON THE BARBIE Shrimp on the barbie-1990
UN ANGE A MA TABLE An angel at my table-1990
LES FEEBLES Meet the Feebles-1989
MAURI Mauri-1988
A SOLDIER'S TALE A soldier's tale-1988
STARLIGHT HOTEL Starlight hotel-1988
MORTS EN SURSIS Never say die-1988
A DEATH IN THE FAMILY A death in the family-1987
BAD TASTE Bad taste-1987
NAVIGATOR The navigator : a medieval odyssey-1987
CLASS 92 Tearaway-1986
ARRIVING TUESDAY Arriving tuesday-1986
LA LEGENDE DU LAGON The silent one-1985
SYLVIA Sylvia-1985
CAME A HOT FRIDAY Came a hot friday-1985
HOT TARGET Hot target-1985
LE DERNIER SURVIVANT The quiet earth-1985
CONSTANCE Constance-1984
SOUVENIRS SECRETS Leave all fair-1984
VIGIL Vigil-1984
JAG Mr Wrong-1984
A LA SECONDE PRES Trial run-1984
MEURTRES SOUS TENSION Death warmed up-1983
LA MALEDICTION DE L'ILE The lost tribe-1983
AMONG THE CINDERS Among the cinders-1983
UTU Utu-1982
L'EPOUVANTAIL DE LA MORT The scarecrow-1981
PAS L'OMBRE D'UN DOUTE Beyond reasonable doubt-1980
ANGEL MINE Angel mine-1979
SLEEPING DOGS Sleeping dogs-1977
THE BUSH CINDERELLA The bush Cinderella-1928