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Date de naissance 03/10/1911
Date de décès 02/05/1995
Vrai nom HORDERN Michael Murray
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Comédien britannique. Epoux de Grace Eveline Mortimer .....
FREDDIE AS F.R.O.7 (Freddie as F.R.O.7) (1992)
DANNY LE CHAMPION DU MONDE (Danny the champion of the world) (1988)
LABYRINTHE (Labyrinth) (1986)
CAMARADES (Comrades, a lanternist's account of the Tolpuddle martyrs and what became of them) (1986)
LE SECRET DE LA PYRAMIDE (Pyramid of fear) (1985)
LADY JANE (Lady Jane) (1985)
THE TROUBLE WITH SPIES (The trouble with spies) (1985)
GANDHI (Gandhi) (1982)
BARBE D'OR ET LES PIRATES (Yellowbeard) (1982)
OLIVER TWIST (Oliver Twist) (1982)
DROLE DE MISSIONNAIRE (The missionary) (1981)
SHOGUN (Shogun) (1980)
LA GRANDE MENACE (The medusa touch) (1978)
LA FOLLE ESCAPADE (Watership down) (1978)
CENDRILLON ET LA ROSE (The slipper and the rose) (1976)
ROYAL FLASH (Royal flash) (1975)
BARRY LYNDON (Barry Lyndon) (1975)
TERREUR SUR LE BRITANNIC (Juggernaut) (1974)
THEATRE DE SANG (Theatre of blood) (1973)
LE PIEGE (The Mackintosh man) (1973)
LE FINANCIER (England made me) (1973)
ALICE AU PAYS DES MERVEILLES (Alice's adventures in wonderland) (1972)
POSSESSION MEURTRIERE (The possession of Joel Delaney) (1972)
LES DEMONS DE L'ESPRIT (Demons of the mind) (1972)
LE JOUEUR DE FLUTE (The piep piper of Hamelin) (1971)
L'ULTIME GARCONNIERE (The bed sitting room) (1969)
ANNE DES MILLES JOURS (Anne of the thousand days) (1969)
QUAND LES AIGLES ATTAQUENT (Where eagles dare) (1968)
SCOTLAND YARD AU PARFUM (The jokers) (1967)
LA MEGERE APPRIVOISEE (The taming of the shrew) (1967)
QU'ARRIVERA-T-IL APRES ? (I'll never forget what's his name) (1967)
COMMENT J'AI GAGNE LA GUERRE (How I won the war) (1967)
L'OMBRE D'UN GEANT (Cast a giant shadow) (1966)
KHARTOUM (Khartoum) (1966)
LE FORUM EN FOLIE (A funny thing happened on the way to the forum) (1966)
GENGHIS KHAN (Gengis Khan) (1965)
L'ESPION QUI VENAIT DU FROID (The spy who came in from the cold) (1965)
LA ROLLS-ROYCE JAUNE (The yellow rolls royce) (1965)
CLEOPATRE (Cleopatra) (1963)
LE CID (El Cid) (1960)
LE CHEMIN DE LA PEUR (Malaga) (1960)
COULEZ LE BISMARCK ! (Sink the Bismarck) (1959)
CONTRE-ESPIONNAGE A GIBRALTAR (I was Monty's double) (1958)
FILLES A LA MER (Girls at sea) (1958)
L'AFFAIRE DREYFUS (I accuse !) (1958)
L'HOMME QUI N'A JAMAIS EXISTE (The man who never was) (1956)
LE BEBE ET LE CUIRASSE (The baby and the battleship) (1956)
ALEXANDRE LE GRAND (Alexander the great) (1955)
L'ARMURE NOIRE (The warriors) (1955)
LES QUATRE PLUMES BLANCHES (Storm over the Nile) (1955)
UN MARI PRESQUE FIDELE (The constant husband) (1955)
LE VAGABOND DES ILES (The beachcomber) (1954)
FORBIDDEN CARGO (Forbidden cargo) (1954)
UNE AFFAIRE TROUBLANTE (Personal affair) (1953)
PRISONNIER DU HAREM (You know what sailors are) (1953)
AU COIN DE LA RUE (Street corner) (1953)
LE FOND DU PROBLEME (The heart of the matter) (1953)
ROBIN DES BOIS ET SES JOYEUX COMPAGNONS (The story of Robin Hood and his merrie men) (1952)
TROIS DAMES ET UN AS (The card) (1952)
LA TREIZIEME HEURE (The hour of thirteen) (1952)
SCROOGE (Scrooge) (1951)
LA BOITE MAGIQUE (The magic box) (1951)
TRIO (Trio) (1950)
PASSEPORT POUR PIMLICO (Passport to Pimlico) (1949)
EGAREMENT (The astonished heart) (1949)
LES AILES BRULEES (Good time girl) (1948)
LE MORT ACCUSE (Night beat) (1947)
MON PROPRE BOURREAU (Mine own executioner) (1947)
LES GRANDES ESPERANCES (Great expectations) (1946)
SCHOOL FOR SECRETS (School for secrets) (1946)
THE GIRL IN THE NEWS (The girl in the news) (1941)
LES AVENTURES DE ROBIN DES BOIS (The adventures of Robin Hood) (1938)