JAMES Sidney
© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 08/05/1913
Date de décès 26/04/1976
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Comédien sud-africain ayant fait carrière en Grande-Bretagne .....
CARRY ON MATRON (Carry on matron) (1972)
LES CINGLES EN SAFARI (Carry on up the jungle) (1969)
DON'T LOSE YOUR HEAD (Don't lose your head) (1967)
ARABESQUE (Arabesque) (1965)
ARRETE TON CHAR CLEO (Carry on Cleo) (1964)
THE BEAUTY JUNGLE (The beauty jungle) (1964)
CARRY ON CABBY (Carry on cabby) (1963)
DOUBLE BUNK (Double bunk) (1961)
AGENCE PASSE-PARTOUT (Carry on regardless) (1961)
THE GREEN HELMET (The green helmet) (1961)
LES BLEUS DE LA POLICE (Carry on constable) (1960)
TOMMY THE TOREADOR (Tommy the toreador) (1959)
LE TIRE-AU-FLANC DU REGIMENT (Idol on parade) (1959)
ENTREE DE SERVICE (Upstairs and downstairs) (1959)
LA BLONDE ET LE SHERIF (The sheriff of fractured jaw) (1958)
JE PLEURE MON AMOUR (Another time another place) (1958)
LES TRENTE-NEUF MARCHES (The thirty-nine steps) (1958)
CONTRE-ESPIONNAGE A GIBRALTAR (I was Monty's double) (1958)
SIGNES PARTICULIERS : NEANT (The man inside) (1958)
NI FLEURS NI COURONNES (Too many crooks) (1958)
L'HEURE AUDACIEUSE (Next to no time) (1958)
L'ENNEMI SILENCIEUX (The silent enemy) (1957)
UN ROI A NEW YORK (A king in New York) (1957)
LA MARQUE (Quatermass two) (1957)
LE SCANDALE COSTELLO (The story of Esther Costello) (1957)
LE VOYAGEUR DES PLAINES (The shiralee) (1957)
SOUS LE PLUS PETIT CHAPITEAU DU MONDE (The smallest show on earth) (1957)
TRAIN D'ENFER (Hell drivers) (1957)
WHISKY, VODKA ET JUPON DE FER (The iron petticoat) (1956)
TRAPEZE (Trapeze) (1956)
THE EXTRA DAY (The extra day) (1956)
PORTRAIT D'UNE AVENTURIERE (Wicked as they come) (1956)
DRY ROT (Dry rot) (1956)
L'AUTRE HOMME (The deep blue sea) (1955)
L'ENFANT A LA LICORNE (A kid for two farthings) (1955)
DETECTIVE DU BON DIEU (Father Brown) (1954)
L'ILE DU DANGER (Crest of the wave) (1954)
TORTILLARD POUR TITFIELD (The Titfield thunderbolt) (1953)
LE BALLON JAUNE (The yellow balloon) (1952)
I BELIEVE IN YOU (I believe in you) (1952)
TALL HEADLINES (Tall headlines) (1952)
DE L'OR EN BARRES (The lavender hill mob) (1951)
LA BOITE MAGIQUE (The magic box) (1951)
LE MAJOR GALOPANT (The galloping major) (1951)
VACANCES SUR ORDONNANCE (Last holiday) (1950)
DONNEZ-NOUS AUJOURD'HUI (Give us this day) (1949)
MAN IN BLACK (Man in black) (1949)
PAS D'ORCHIDEES POUR MISS BLANDISH (No orchids for miss Blandish) (1948)
ONCE A JOLLY SWAGMAN (Once a jolly swagman) (1948)
LA MORT APPRIVOISEE (The small back room) (1948)
LE MORT ACCUSE (Night beat) (1947)
IL PLEUT TOUJOURS LE DIMANCHE (It always rains on sunday) (1947)