© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 21/04/1917
Date de décès 05/10/1998
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Comédienne britannique .....
ASYLUM (Asylum) (1972)
THE SMASHING BIRD I USED TO KNOW (The smashing bird i used to know) (1969)
OLIVER ! (Oliver !) (1968)
UN ETRANGER DANS LA MAISON (Stranger in the house) (1967)
BUNNY LAKE A DISPARU (Bunny Lake is missing) (1965)
LADY DETECTIVE ENTRE EN SCENE (Murder most foul) (1964)
THE WILD AND THE WILLING (The wild and the willing) (1962)
ACCUSE LEVEZ-VOUS ! (Life for Ruth) (1962)
LES INNOCENTS (The innocents) (1961)
THE GREEN HELMET (The green helmet) (1961)
LES YEUX DU TEMOIN (Tiger bay) (1959)
INDISCRET (Indiscreet) (1958)
LE SCANDALE COSTELLO (The story of Esther Costello) (1957)
FLAMMES DANS LE CIEL (The man in the sky) (1957)
L'ETRANGER AMOUREUX (The passionate stranger) (1957)
UNE AFFAIRE TROUBLANTE (Personal affair) (1953)
LA MER CRUELLE (The cruel sea) (1953)
COUP DE FEU AU MATIN (Rough shoot) (1953)
IVANHOE (Ivanhoe) (1952)
SECRET PEOPLE (Secret people) (1951)
JENNIFER (No place for jennifer) (1950)
SARABANDE (Saraband for dead lovers) (1948)
LA COULEUR QUI TUE (Green for danger) (1946)
CEUX DE CHEZ NOUS (Millions like us) (1943)
COMBAT ETERNEL (The lamp still burns) (1943)