MAC KENNA Virginia
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 07/06/1931
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Epouse de Bill Travers .....
PILE & FACE (Sliding doors) (1998)
HOLOCAUST 2000 (Holocaust 2000) (1977)
LA DISPARITION (The disappearance) (1977)
WATERLOO (Waterloo) (1970)
AN ELEPHANT CALLED SLOWLY (An elephant called Slowly) (1969)
VIVRE LIBRE (Born free) (1965)
TVA LEVANDE OCH EN DOD (Tva levande och en dod) (1961)
CARGAISON DANGEREUSE (The wreck of the Mary Deare) (1959)
AGENT SECRET S.Z. (Carve her name with pride) (1957)
SOUS LE PLUS PETIT CHAPITEAU DU MONDE (The smallest show on earth) (1957)
MISS BARRETT (The Barretts of Wimpole Street) (1957)
MA VIE COMMENCE EN MALAISIE (A town like Alice) (1956)
LE BATEAU QUI MOURUT DE HONTE (The ship that died of shame) (1955)
SIMBA (Simba) (1954)
LA MER CRUELLE (The cruel sea) (1953)