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BASS Alfie
Texte :
Date de naissance
Date de décès
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Agence ou contact
Comédien britannique décédé le 15 juillet 1987 d'une crise cardiaque .....
MOONRAKER (Moonraker) (1978)
LA MALEDICTION DE LA PANTHERE ROSE (The revenge of the pink panther) (1978)
THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN DEADLY SINS (The magnificent seven deadly sins) (1971)
L'HOMME DE KIEV (The fixer) (1968)
LE BAL DES VAMPIRES (The fearless vampire killers or pardon me, but your teeth are in my neck) (1967)
A CHALLENGE FOR ROBIN HOOD (A challenge for robin hood) (1967)
DOCTOR IN CLOVER (Doctor in clover) (1966)
LE FORUM EN FOLIE (A funny thing happened on the way to the forum) (1966)
ALFIE LE DRAGUEUR (Alfie) (1965)
AU SECOURS ! (Help !) (1965)
LES DESSOUS DE LA MILLIONNAIRE (The millionairess) (1960)
CONTRE-ESPIONNAGE A GIBRALTAR (I was Monty's double) (1958)
SOUS LA TERREUR (A tales of two cities) (1958)
TRAIN D'ENFER (Hell drivers) (1957)
SAILOR BEWARE ! (Sailor beware !) (1957)
A TOUCH OF THE SUN (A touch of the sun) (1956)
NO ROAD BACK (No road back) (1956)
IDYLLE ROYALE A MONTE-CARLO (King's rhapsody) (1955)
L'ENFANT A LA LICORNE (A kid for two farthings) (1955)
LE MANTEAU (The bespoke overcoat) (1955)
LE BATEAU QUI MOURUT DE HONTE (The ship that died of shame) (1955)
SVENGALI (Svengali) (1954)
MURDER BY PROXY (Murder by proxy) (1953)
LA FEMME DU PLANTEUR (The planter's wife) (1952)
DE L'OR EN BARRES (The lavender hill mob) (1951)
LE MAJOR GALOPANT (The galloping major) (1951)
LE GRAND ALIBI (Stage fright) (1950)
LES TRAFIQUANTS DU DUNBAR (Pool of London) (1950)
LE DERNIER VOYAGE (The hasty heart) (1949)
BOYS IN BROWN (Boys in brown) (1949)
VICE VERSA (Vice versa) (1947)
HOLIDAY CAMP (Holiday camp) (1947)
IL PLEUT TOUJOURS LE DIMANCHE (It always rains on sunday) (1947)
BREVE RENCONTRE (Brief encounter) (1946)
JOHNNY FRENCHMAN (Johnny Frenchman) (1945)
THE BELLS GO DOWN (The bells go down) (1943)