Liste des films du thème
Echo (tous pays confondus)
LA VILLA -2017
LES CHANSONS QUE MES FRERES M'ONT APPRISES Songs my brothers taught me-2015
CAMARADES Comrades, a lanternist's account of the Tolpuddle martyrs and what became of them-1986
LA ROUTE DES INDES A passage to India-1984
LE CONTINENT FANTASTIQUE Viaje al centro de la tierra-1977
THE ONE AND ONLY GENUINE ORIGINAL FAMILY BAND The one and only genuine original family band-1968
LAWRENCE D'ARABIE Lawrence of Arabia-1962
LE TROISIEME HOMME SUR LA MONTAGNE Third man on the mountain-1959
VOYAGE AU CENTRE DE LA TERRE Journey to the center of the earth-1959
THE TROLLENBERG TERROR The Trollenberg terror-1958
LE REDOUTABLE HOMME DES NEIGES The abominable snowman-1957
LE VENT D'OUEST Vinden fran väster-1942
SERGENT YORK Sergeant York-1941
LE VOLEUR DE BAGDAD The thief of Bagdad-1940
TOUT SE PASSE LA NUIT Everything happens at night-1939
L'EXTRAVAGANT MONSIEUR DEEDS Mr. Deeds goes to town-1936
LA BLONDE PLATINE Platinum blonde-1931