© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 15/02/1915
Date de décès 26/03/1982
Vrai nom /
Agence ou contact
L'ARME A L'OEIL (Eye of the needle) (1980)
UP THE CHASTITY BELT (Up the chastity belt) (1971)
QUEST FOR LOVE (Quest for love) (1971)
ALERTE SATELLITE 02 (Moon zero two) (1969)
FAUT-IL TUER SISTER GEORGE ? (The killing of sister George) (1968)
DEUX ANGLAISES EN DELIRE (Smashing time) (1967)
L'ILE DE LA TERREUR (Island of terror) (1965)
UN BEAU CHASSIS (The iron maiden) (1963)
LE SECRET DE MONTE-CRISTO (The treasure of Monte-Cristo) (1961)
THERE WAS A CROOKED MAN (There was a crooked man) (1960)
SUSPECT (Suspect) (1960)
COULEZ LE BISMARCK ! (Sink the Bismarck) (1959)
LA TABLE DU CAPITAINE (The captain's table) (1959)
APRES MOI LE DELUGE (I'm all right Jack) (1959)
LE CHIEN DES BASKERVILLE (The hound of the Baskervilles) (1958)
LES TRENTE-NEUF MARCHES (The thirty-nine steps) (1958)
ORDRE DE TUER (Orders to kill) (1958)
CONTRE-ESPIONNAGE A GIBRALTAR (I was Monty's double) (1958)
LE PERCEUR DE COFFRES (The safecracker) (1958)
SOUS LA TERREUR (A tales of two cities) (1958)
NI FLEURS NI COURONNES (Too many crooks) (1958)
SOUS LE PLUS PETIT CHAPITEAU DU MONDE (The smallest show on earth) (1957)
IL ETAIT UN PETIT NAVIRE (Barnacle Bill) (1957)
LE PRISONNIER DU TEMPLE (Dangerous exile) (1957)
COMMANDO SUR LE YANG TSE (Yangtse incident) (1957)
LES TRAFIQUANTS DE NUIT (The long haul) (1957)
S.O.S. SCOTLAND YARD (The long arm) (1956)
VAINQUEUR DU CIEL (Reach for the sky) (1956)
IT'S A WONDERFUL WORLD (It's a wonderful world) (1956)
LE BEBE ET LE CUIRASSE (The baby and the battleship) (1956)
TUEURS DE DAMES (The ladykillers) (1955)
LE MONSTRE (The Quatermass experiment) (1955)
L'ARMURE NOIRE (The warriors) (1955)
L'ENFANT A LA LICORNE (A kid for two farthings) (1955)
HOLD-UP EN PLEIN CIEL (Prize of gold) (1955)
LES QUATRE PLUMES BLANCHES (Storm over the Nile) (1955)
UN MARI PRESQUE FIDELE (The constant husband) (1955)
FAIRE LA FETE (Raising a riot) (1955)
FINAL APPOINTMENT (Final appointment) (1954)
DETECTIVE DU BON DIEU (Father Brown) (1954)
EVASION (The young lovers) (1954)
THE EMBEZZLER (The embezzler) (1954)
IMPULSE (Impulse) (1954)
LA MER CRUELLE (The cruel sea) (1953)
COMMANDO A RHODES (They who dare) (1953)
MARIN DU ROI (Single-handed) (1953)
L'AFFAIRE MANDERSON (Trent's last case) (1952)
LA TREIZIEME HEURE (The hour of thirteen) (1952)
RAPT (Hunted) (1952)
CAPITAINE SANS PEUR (Captain Horatio Hornblower) (1951)
SECRET PEOPLE (Secret people) (1951)
L'HOMME EN NOIR (The dark man) (1951)
L'ILE AU TRESOR (Treasure island) (1950)
LA FILLE AUX PAPILLONS (The clouded yellow) (1950)
LES TRAFIQUANTS DU DUNBAR (Pool of London) (1950)
LA LAMPE BLEUE (The blue lamp) (1950)
ULTIMATUM (Seven days to noon) (1950)
L'AIMANT (The magnet) (1950)
PASSEPORT POUR PIMLICO (Passport to Pimlico) (1949)
L'OBSEDE (Obsession) (1949)
L'IMPLACABLE ENNEMIE (Madness of the heart) (1949)
A SONG FOR TOMORROW (A song for tomorrow) (1948)
LE MYSTERE DU CAMP 27 (Portrait from life) (1948)
LA MORT APPRIVOISEE (The small back room) (1948)
COLONEL BOGEY (Colonel Bogey) (1948)
TO THE PUBLIC DANGER (To the public danger) (1947)
JE SUIS UN FUGITIF (They made me a fugitive) (1947)
J'ETAIS UN PRISONNIER (The captive heart) (1946)