© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 05/01/1900
Date de décès 31/05/1952
Vrai nom /
Agence ou contact
OPERATION SECRET (Operation secret) (1952)
LES ZOMBIES DE LA STRATOSPHERE (Zombies of the stratosphere) (1952)
LE VOLEUR DE TANGER (The prince who was a thief) (1951)
LE PEUPLE ACCUSE O'HARA (The people against O'Hara) (1951)
J'ETAIS COMMUNISTE POUR LE FBI (I was a communist for the FBI) (1951)
LE PUITS (The well) (1951)
TROIS PETITS MOTS (Three little words) (1950)
LES AMES NUES (Dial 1119) (1950)
LA MARCHE A L'ENFER (Edge of doom) (1950)
711 OCEAN DRIVE (711 Ocean Drive) (1950)
MADAME PORTE LA CULOTTE (Adam's rib) (1949)
LA CORDE DE SABLE (Rope of sand) (1949)
ENQUETE A CHICAGO (Chicago deadline) (1949)
LA MAISON DES ETRANGERS (House of strangers) (1949)
FLAXY MARTIN (Flaxy Martin) (1949)
THE WOMAN ON PIER 13 (The woman on pier 13) (1949)
ARC DE TRIOMPHE (Arch of triumph) (1948)
L'ENFER DE LA CORRUPTION (Force of evil) (1948)
LE BARRAGE DE BURLINGTON (River lady) (1948)
SMART GIRLS DON'T TALK (Smart girls don't talk) (1948)
LE BRIGAND DE SILVERADO (Adventures in Silverado) (1948)
LE CHARLATAN (Nightmare alley) (1947)
LA DAME DU LAC (Lady in the lake) (1947)
LA VIE SECRETE DE WALTER MITTY (The secret life of Walter Mitty) (1947)
A VOS ORDRES MA GENERALE (Where there's life) (1947)
L'ILE ENCHANTEE (High barbaree) (1947)
L'AS DU CINEMA (Merton of the movies) (1947)
LES PIRATES DE MONTEREY (Pirates of Monterey) (1947)
TWO SMART PEOPLE (Two smart people) (1946)
YOLANDA ET LE VOLEUR (Yolanda and the thief) (1946)
LE MAITRE DE LA PRAIRIE (The sea of grass) (1946)
LE DEMON DE LA CHAIR (The strange woman) (1946)
PEINES DE COEUR (Love laughs at Andy Hardy) (1946)
LE ROMAN D'AL JOLSON (The Jolson story) (1946)
MARIAGE MODERNE (From this day forward) (1946)
LES SACRIFIES (They were expendable) (1945)
SOUDAN (Sudan) (1945)
LA FEE BLANCHE (It's a pleasure) (1945)
JOHNNY ANGEL (Johnny Angel) (1945)
ROMANCE AMERICAINE (An american romance) (1944)
ASSURANCE SUR LA MORT (Double indemnity) (1944)
LA SEPTIEME CROIX (The seventh cross) (1944)
LES CONSPIRATEURS (The conspirators) (1944)
TENDRE SYMPHONIE (Music for millions) (1944)
LE SIGNE DU COBRA (Cobra woman) (1944)
ONE MYSTERIOUS NIGHT (One mysterious night) (1944)
BATMAN (Batman) (1943)
THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME (The chance of a lifetime) (1943)
GANGWAY FOR TOMORROW (Gangway for tomorrow) (1943)
TORTILLA FLAT (Tortilla flat) (1942)
LA POUPEE BRISEE (The big street) (1942)
NAZI AGENT (Nazi agent) (1941)
LE VAISSEAU FANTOME (The sea wolf) (1941)
EVITONS LE SCANDALE (Design for scandal) (1941)
FOLIE DOUCE (Love crazy) (1941)
AU SUD DE TAHITI (South of Tahiti) (1941)
FANCY ANSWERS (Fancy answers) (1941)
LES AS D'OXFORD (A chump at Oxford) (1940)
L'ILE DES AMOURS (New moon) (1940)
MONSIEUR MOTO EN PERIL (Mr. Moto in danger island) (1939)
LE ROI DE CHINATOWN (King of Chinatown) (1939)
MILLION DOLLAR LEGS (Million dollars legs) (1939)
UN HOMME A LA PAGE (Tell no tales) (1939)
MISS MANTON EST FOLLE (The mad miss Manton) (1938)
MONSIEUR MOTO SUR LE RING (Mr. Moto's gamble) (1938)
L'ECOLE DU CRIME (Crime school) (1938)
QUI A TUE MISS PRESTON ? (Who killed Gail Preston ?) (1938)
ON LUI DONNA UN FUSIL (They gave him a gun) (1937)
KING OF GAMBLERS (King of gamblers) (1937)
UNE NATION EN MARCHE (Wells fargo) (1937)
EN SUIVANT LA FLOTTE (Follow the fleet) (1936)
REVOLTE A DUBLIN (The plough and the stars) (1936)
CHARLIE CHAN AUX COURSES (Charlie Chan at the race track) (1936)
LE JOYEUX BANDIT (The gay desperado) (1936)
LE CAVALIER MIRACLE (The miracle rider) (1935)
SA NUIT DE NOCES (The wedding night) (1935)
L'ENFER (Dante's inferno) (1935)
LA VEUVE JOYEUSE (The merry widow) (1934)
LE PERROQUET CHINOIS (Charlie Chan's courage) (1934)
PATTE DE CHAT (The cat's paw) (1934)
RALPH LE VENGEUR (The wolf dog) (1933)
LE DEMON DU SOUS-MARIN (Devil and the deep) (1932)
LE DESERT DES DAMNES (The desert of the lost) (1927)
LA RACE QUI MEURT (The vanishing American) (1925)