© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 23/07/1888
Date de décès 07/06/1938
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Décédé le 07.06.1938 d'une crise cardiaque .....
LA FOULE EN DELIRE (The crowd roars) (1938)
TOUT LE MONDE CHANTE (Everybody sing) (1938)
LE PROFESSEUR SCHNOCK (Professor beware) (1938)
SA DERNIERE CHANCE (This is my affair) (1937)
LE MEURTRE DE JOHN CARTER (The plot thickens) (1936)
TOUTE LA VILLE EN PARLE (The whole town's talking) (1935)
THE CASE OF THE CURIOUS BRIDE (The case of the curious bride) (1935)
IMPETUEUSE JEUNESSE (Ah wilderness !) (1935)
A CALIENTE (In caliente) (1935)
CE N'EST PAS UN PECHE (Belle of the nineties) (1934)
LES NUITS DE NEW YORK (Now i'll tell) (1934)
L'HOMME QUI RECLAMAIT SA TETE (The man who reclaimed his head) (1934)
PATTE DE CHAT (The cat's paw) (1934)
FRANC-JEU (Gambling lady) (1934)
SERENADE A TROIS (Design for living) (1933)
MASQUES DE CIRE (The mystery of the wax museum) (1933)
BUREAU DE RECHERCHES (Bureau of missing persons) (1933)
LE ROI DE LA CHAUSSURE (The working man) (1933)
VINGT MILLE ANS SOUS LES VERROUS (20.000 years in Sing Sing) (1933)
LE BAISER DE LA MORT (The death kiss) (1933)
LE ROI DE LA BIERE (What no beer ?) (1933)
UNE NUIT SEULEMENT (Only yesterday) (1933)
THEY JUST HAD TO GET MARRIED (They just had to get married) (1933)
DOCTEUR BULL (Doctor Bull) (1933)
LA VIE DE JIMMY DOLAN (Life of Jimmy Dolan) (1933)
DEUX FEMMES (Pilgrimage) (1933)
HISTOIRE D'UN AMOUR (Back street) (1932)
TETE BRULEE (Air mail) (1932)
THE HALF NAKED TRUTH (The half naked truth) (1932)
HYPNOSE (Thirteen women) (1932)
LA PENTE (Dance fools dance) (1931)
PUR-SANG (Sporting blood) (1931)
AMES LIBRES (A free soul) (1931)
LE DESERT ROUGE (The painted desert) (1931)
AUBE (Daybreak) (1931)
FIVE STAR FINAL (Five star final) (1931)
BIG NEWS (Big news) (1929)