© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 22/01/1940
Date de décès 27/01/2017
Vrai nom HURT John Vincent
- Fiche de Monsieur Cinéma
Agence ou contact
HERCULE (3D) (Hercules) (2014)
LE TRANSPERCENEIGE (Snowpiercer) (2013)
ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE (Only lovers left alive) (2013)
CHARLIE COUNTRYMAN (The necessary death of Charlie Countryman) (2013)
MELANCHOLIA (Melancholia) (2011)
LA TAUPE (Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy) (2011)
HELLBOY 2 : LES LEGIONS D'OR MAUDITES (Hellboy II : the golden army) (2008)
CRIMES A OXFORD (The Oxford murders) (2008)
THE LIMITS OF CONTROL (The limits of control) (2008)
BOXES () (2007)
LE PARFUM - HISTOIRE D'UN MEURTRIER - (Das Parfum - Die Geschichte eines Mörders -) (2006)
LA PORTE DES SECRETS (The skeleton key) (2005)
V POUR VENDETTA (V for Vendetta) (2005)
THE PROPOSITION (The proposition) (2005)
HELLBOY (Hellboy) (2004)
DOGVILLE (Dogville) (2003)
HARRY POTTER A L'ECOLE DES SORCIERS (Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone) (2001)
LES AMES PERDUES (Lost souls) (2000)
ALL THE LITTLE ANIMALS (All the little animals) (1998)
CONTACT (Contact) (1997)
AMOUR ET MORT A LONG ISLAND (Love and death on Long Island) (1997)
LE DEFI (The climb) (1997)
BRUTE (Bandyta) (1997)
LE COMMISSAIRE (The commissioner) (1997)
KOLCSONKAPOTT IDO (Kolcsonkapott ido) (1996)
DEAD MAN (Dead man) (1995)
WILD BILL (Wild Bill) (1995)
POUCELINA (Don Bluth's thumbelina) (1994)
ROB ROY (Rob Roy) (1994)
LE DEUXIEME PERE (Second best) (1994)
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT (Crime and punishment) (1994)
GREAT MOMENTS IN AVIATION (Great moments in aviation) (1993)
MEME LES COWGIRLS ONT DU VAGUE A L'AME (Even cowgirls get the blues) (1993)
MONOLITH (Monolith) (1993)
RALPH SUPER KING (King Ralph) (1991)
MEMOIRE TRAQUEE (Lapse of memory) (1991)
L'OEIL QUI MENT (Dark at noon) (1991)
THE FIELD (The field) (1990)
LA RESURRECTION DE FRANKENSTEIN (Frankenstein unbound) (1990)
RESIDENT ALIEN (Resident alien) (1990)
UNE ADORABLE PETITE GARCE (Little sweetheart) (1989)
WINDPRINTS (Windprints) (1989)
SCANDAL (Scandal) (1988)
DEADLINE -LE COMPLOT- (Deadline) (1988)
SUR LA ROUTE DE NAIROBI (White mischief) (1987)
FROM THE HIP (From the hip) (1987)
ARIA (10) (Aria) (1987)
VINCENT : LA VIE ET LA MORT DE VINCENT VAN GOGH (Vincent : the life and death of Vincent Van Gogh) (1987)
ROCINANTE (Rocinante) (1986)
JAKE SPEED (Jake speed) (1986)
TARAM ET LE CHAUDRON MAGIQUE (The black cauldron) (1985)
LE GARDE-FOU (After darkness) (1985)
1984 (1984) (1984)
THE HIT (The hit) (1984)
LE SUCCES A TOUT PRIX (Success is the best revenge) (1984)
OSTERMAN WEEK-END (The osterman weekend) (1983)
CHAMPIONS (Champions) (1983)
LA NUIT DE L'EVASION (Night crossing) (1982)
PARTNERS (Partners) (1982)
THE PLAGUE DOGS (The plague dogs) (1982)
LA FOLLE HISTOIRE DU MONDE (Mel Brook's history of the world part I) (1981)
LA PORTE DU PARADIS (Heaven's gate) (1980)
ELEPHANT MAN (The elephant man) (1980)
ALIEN (Alien) (1979)
MIDNIGHT EXPRESS (Midnight express) (1978)
LE SEIGNEUR DES ANNEAUX (The lord of the rings) (1978)
LE CRI DU SORCIER (The shout) (1978)
LA FOLLE ESCAPADE (Watership down) (1978)
LA DISPARITION (The disappearance) (1977)
EAST OF ELEPHANT ROCK (East of elephant rock) (1976)
LA LIGNE DU FLEUVE (La linea del fiume) (1976)
LITTLE MALCOLM AND HIS STRUGGLE AGAINST THE EUNUCHS (Little Malcolm and his struggle against the eunuchs) (1975)
THE GHOUL (The ghoul) (1975)
LE JOUEUR DE FLUTE (The piep piper of Hamelin) (1971)
MR. FORBUSH AND THE PENGUINS (Mr. Forbush and the penguins) (1971)
A LA RECHERCHE DE GREGORY (In search of gregory) (1970)
DAVEY DES GRANDS CHEMINS (Sinful Davey) (1968)
AVANT QUE VIENNE L'HIVER (Before winter comes) (1968)
UN HOMME POUR L'ETERNITE (A man for all seasons) (1966)
LE MARIN DE GIBRALTAR (The sailor of Gibraltar) (1966)
LA RUE DU PECHE (This is my street) (1963)
THE WILD AND THE WILLING (The wild and the willing) (1962)