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- Films in Review (août/septembre 1977)
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Décédée le 16.05.1985 d'une crise cardiaque .....
LE GANG ANDERSON (The Anderson tapes) (1971)
L'HOMME OISEAU (Brewster Mc Cloud) (1970)
ANGEL IN MY POCKET (Angel in my pocket) (1969)
LES BELLES FAMILLES (Rosie !) (1967)
JOURNEY BACK TO OZ (Journey back to oz) (1964)
13 GHOSTS (13 Ghosts) (1960)
ON MURMURE DANS LA VILLE (People will talk) (1951)
JOUR DE CHANCE (Riding high) (1950)
LA RUE DE LA GAIETE (Wabash avenue) (1950)
LASSIE PERD ET GAGNE (The sun comes up) (1949)
MAM'ZELLE MITRAILLETTE (The beautiful blonde from bashful bend) (1949)
L'ENJEU (State of the union) (1948)
LE PONEY ROUGE (The red pony) (1948)
L'ARCHANGE DE BROOKLYN (Texas Brooklyn and heaven) (1948)
LA FEMME DESHONOREE (Dishonored lady) (1947)
OH ! QUEL MERCREDI ! (Mad wednesday) (1947)
FAITHFUL IN MY FASHION (Faithful in my fashion) (1946)
UNE INVITEE DANS LA MAISON (Guest in the house) (1944)
L'ETRANGE INCIDENT (The ox-bow incident) (1943)
JOHNNY LE VAGABOND (Johnny come lately) (1943)
LA CITE SANS HOMMES (City without men) (1943)
THE AFFAIRS OF MARTHA (The affairs of Martha) (1942)
MEET THE STEWARTS (Meet the stewarts) (1942)
MON PETIT POUSSIN CHERI (My little chickadee) (1940)
LA FEMME INVISIBLE (The invisible woman) (1940)
PLACE AU RYTHME (Babes in arms) (1939)
LE MAGICIEN D'OZ (The wizard of Oz) (1939)
UN MEURTRE SANS IMPORTANCE (A slight case of murder) (1938)
LES AVENTURES DE TOM SAWYER (The adventures of Tom Sawyer) (1938)
QUATRE AU PARADIS (Four's a crowd) (1938)
COMPAGNONS D'INFORTUNE (Stablemates) (1938)
J'AI LE DROIT DE VIVRE (You only live once) (1937)
SARATOGA (Saratoga) (1937)
LA JOYEUSE SUICIDEE (Nothing sacred) (1937)
JUSTICE DES MONTAGNES (Mountain justice) (1937)
ILS ETAIENT TROIS (These three) (1936)
LE DIABLE AU CORPS (The moon's our home) (1936)
LA JOLIE BATELIERE (The farmer takes a wife) (1935)
A TRAVERS L'ORAGE (Way down east) (1935)
L'UNIQUE MENSONGE (There's always tomorrow) (1934)
LA COURSE DE BROADWAY BILL (Broadway Bill) (1934)
REVOLTE AU ZOO (Zoo in Budapest) (1933)