un film (VF ou VO)
un acteur
un réalisateur
un caméraman
un compositeur
Texte :
Date de naissance
Date de décès
Vrai nom
Agence ou contact
LE HEROS DU PACIFIQUE (The gallant hours) (1960)
THE ATOMIC SUBMARINE (The atomic submarine) (1959)
JE NE SUIS PAS UN ESPION (Three brave men) (1957)
FEUILLES D'AUTOMNE (Autumn leaves) (1956)
LES GLADIATEURS (Demetrius and the gladiators) (1954)
LA FURIE DU DESIR (Ruby Gentry) (1953)
LE GENERAL INVINCIBLE (The president's lady) (1952)
BAS LES MASQUES (Deadline USA) (1952)
LE MASQUE ARRACHE (Sudden fear) (1952)
CINQ MARIAGES A L'ESSAI (We're not married) (1952)
UN GARCON ENTREPRENANT (Young man with ideas) (1952)
ENLEVEZ-MOI MONSIEUR (Elopement) (1951)
BON SANG NE PEUT MENTIR (That's my boy) (1951)
CHAINES DU DESTIN (No man of her own) (1950)
JUNGLE JIM DANS L'ANTRE DES GORILLES (Mark of the gorilla) (1950)
LE REBELLE (The fountainhead) (1949)
UN CRACK QUI CRAQUE (Sorrowful Jones) (1949)
MONSIEUR JOE (Mighty Joe Young) (1949)
LA COURSE AU MARI (Every girl should be married) (1948)
LA FIN D'UN TUEUR (The dark past) (1948)
BIEN FAIRE... ET LA SEDUIRE (The fuller brush man) (1948)
THE GIRL FROM MANHATTAN (The girl from Manhattan) (1948)
LEGENDE DU TEXAS (The fabulous Texan) (1948)
LE MUR DES TENEBRES (The high wall) (1947)
LA CITE MAGIQUE (Magic town) (1947)
AU CARREFOUR DU SIECLE (The beginning or the end) (1947)
MON LOUFOQUE DE MARI (Her husband's affairs) (1947)
CHILD OF DIVORCE (Child of divorce) (1946)
DANGEROUS MONEY (Dangerous money) (1946)
DEUX NIGAUDS DANS LE MANOIR HANTE (The time of their lives) (1946)
SHOCK (Shock) (1946)
L'AVENTURIERE DE SAN FRANCISCO (Allotment wives) (1945)
L'ESPOIR DE VIVRE (Forever yours) (1945)
LE PREMIER AMERICAIN A TOKYO (First Yank into Tokyo) (1945)
NOTRE CHER AMOUR (This love of ours) (1945)
FRISSON D'AMOUR (Thrill of a romance) (1945)
LES ENFANTS DU MARCHE NOIR (Black market babies) (1945)
LE GRAND BOUM (The big noise) (1944)
HEY ROOKIE (Hey, Rookie) (1944)
ROGER TOUHY GANGSTER (Roger Touhy gangster) (1944)
DESTIN (Destiny) (1944)
J'AVAIS CINQ FILS (The Sullivans) (1944)
MARINE RAIDERS (Marine raiders) (1944)
GUADALCANAL (Guadalcanal diary) (1943)
MARGE D'ERREUR (Margin for error) (1943)
LES AVENTURES DE QUATRE ELEVES PILOTES (Adventures of the flying cadets) (1943)
LE FAUCON EN PERIL (The Falcon in danger) (1943)
SOMEONE TO REMEMBER (Someone to remember) (1943)
LA CHARGE FANTASTIQUE (They died with their boots on) (1942)
LA CINQUIEME COLONNE (Saboteur) (1942)
TRUE TO THE ARMY (True to the army) (1942)
PILOTES DE CHASSE (Thunder birds) (1942)
LE RETOUR DU FAUCON (The falcon takes over) (1942)
L'HOMME DE LA RUE (Meet John Doe) (1941)
DEUX NIGAUDS SOLDATS (Buck privates) (1941)
EVE A COMMENCE (It started with Eve) (1941)
ADIEU JEUNESSE (Remember the day) (1941)
CINQUIEME BUREAU (International lady) (1941)
BACK STREET (Back street) (1941)
SERGENT YORK (Sergeant York) (1941)
UN AMERICAIN PUR SANG (Joe Smith american) (1941)
LA REINE DU GANG (Paper bullets) (1941)
THREE SONS O'GUNS (Three sons o'guns) (1941)
FOLIE DOUCE (Love crazy) (1941)
LE DEFUNT RECALCITRANT (Here comes Mr. Jordan) (1941)
TOUTE A TOI (Nice girl ?) (1941)
THE MAN WHO LOST HIMSELF (The man who lost himself) (1941)
LE FAUCON MENE L'ENQUETE (A date with the Falcon) (1941)
LES RAISINS DE LA COLERE (The grapes of wrath) (1940)
LA VILLE CONQUISE (City for conquest) (1940)
LA PISTE DE SANTA FE (Santa Fe trail) (1940)
PETITE ET CHARMANTE (If I had my way) (1940)
JOHNNY APOLLO (Johnny Apollo) (1940)
L'ODYSSEE DES MORMONS (Brigham Young frontiersman) (1940)
FINIE LA COMEDIE (No time for comedy) (1940)
LA FEMME AUX CHEVEUX ROUGES (Lady with red hair) (1940)
MURDER IN THE AIR (Murder in the air) (1940)
QUEEN OF THE MOB (Queen of the mob) (1940)
A CHAQUE AUBE JE MEURS (Each dawn I die) (1939)
PACIFIC EXPRESS (Union Pacific) (1939)
AGENT DOUBLE (Espionage agent) (1939)
EN SURVEILLANCE SPECIALE (Invisible stripes) (1939)
LE FRELON VERT (The green hornet) (1939)
LES AVEUX D'UN ESPION NAZI (Confessions of a nazi spy) (1939)
PRIVATE DETECTIVE (Private detective) (1939)
TRAFIC D'HOMMES (Stand up and fight) (1938)
LA FOLLE PARADE (Alexander's ragtime band) (1938)
CHASSEURS D'ACCIDENTS (The chaser) (1938)
UN NIMBE DE GLOIRE (Strange glory) (1938)
UNE NUIT DE GALA (Garden of the moon) (1938)
LE GRAND ZIEGFELD (The great Ziegfeld) (1937)
CHARLIE CHAN AUX JEUX OLYMPIQUES (Charlie Chan at the Olympics) (1937)
MON HOMME GODFREY (My man Godfrey) (1936)
SUR PAROLE (Parole !) (1936)
LA FLECHE D'OR (The golden arrow) (1936)
EPREUVES (Next time we love) (1936)
POSTAL INSPECTOR (Postal inspector) (1936)
CHARLIE CHAN AUX COURSES (Charlie Chan at the race track) (1936)
JIM LA JUNGLE (Jungle jim) (1936)
SHOW BOAT (Show boat) (1936)
TCHIN-TCHIN (Stowaway) (1936)
UNE NUIT A L'OPERA (A night at the opera) (1935)
SIXIEME EDITION (Front page woman) (1935)
NE PARIEZ PAS SUR LES BLONDES (Don't bet on blondes) (1935)
LE BOUSILLEUR (Devil dogs of the air) (1935)
THE BEST MAN WINS (The best man wins) (1935)
LES HOMMES TRAQUES (Public hero number 1) (1935)
MON MARI LE PATRON (She married her boss) (1935)
FURIE NOIRE (Black fury) (1935)
A CALIENTE (In caliente) (1935)
PADDY O'DAY (Paddy O'Day) (1935)
FOG OVER FRISCO (Fog over frisco) (1934)
VIVRE ET AIMER (Sadie Mac Kee) (1934)
LES NUITS DE NEW YORK (Now i'll tell) (1934)
LA FEMME LA PLUS RICHE DU MONDE (The richest girl in the world) (1934)
BRIEF MOMENT (Brief moment) (1933)
LE ROI DE LA CHAUSSURE (The working man) (1933)
UNE GRANDE BAGARRE (Picture snatcher) (1933)
LA BOULE ROUGE (Blood money) (1933)
UNE ALLUMETTE A TROIS (Three on a match) (1932)
L'ETRANGE PASSION DE MOLLY LOUVAIN (The strange love of Molly Louvain) (1932)
DOCTEUR X (Doctor X) (1932)
TOUT AU VAINQUEUR (Winner take all) (1932)
BIG CITY BLUES (Big city blues) (1932)
THE MOUTHPIECE (The mouthpiece) (1932)
DIRIGEABLE (Dirigible) (1931)