Chef opérateur
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 15/12/1893
Date de décès 29/10/1972
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Decede le 29.10.1972
LA PLAGE DESERTE (Jeopardy) (1953)
UN AMOUR DESESPERE (Carrie) (1952)
ESPIONNE DE MON COEUR (My favorite spy) (1951)
LES AMANTS DE CAPRI (September affair) (1950)
LES FURIES (The furies) (1950)
LA MAIN QUI VENGE (Dark city) (1950)
INFIDELEMENT VOTRE (Unfaithfully yours) (1948)
L'ORCHIDEE BLANCHE (The other love) (1947)
L'EMPRISE DU CRIME (The strange love of Martha Ivers) (1946)
LE JOYEUX PHENOMENE (Wonder man) (1945)
L'ODYSSEE DU DOCTEUR WASSELL (The story of Dr Wassell) (1944)
THE GREAT MOMENT (The great moment) (1944)
LA PRINCESSE ET LE PIRATE (The princess and the pirate) (1944)
MADAME ET SES FLIRTS (The Palm Beach story) (1942)
UN COEUR PRIS AU PIEGE (The lady Eve) (1941)
THE MAN WHO LOST HIMSELF (The man who lost himself) (1941)
LES TUNIQUES ECARLATES (North West Mounted Police) (1940)
THOSE WERE THE DAYS (Those were the days) (1940)
LE GROS LOT (Christmas in july) (1940)
PACIFIC EXPRESS (Union Pacific) (1939)
L'HOMME MARQUE (Hunted men) (1938)
LES FLIBUSTIERS (The buccaneer) (1938)
UNE AVENTURE DE BUFFALO BILL (The plainsman) (1937)
BULLDOG DRUMMOND S'EVADE (Bulldog drummond escapes) (1937)
ARTISTES ET MODELES (Artists and models) (1937)
LA FURIE DE L'OR NOIR (High, wide and handsome) (1937)
DESIR (Desire) (1936)
LE GENERAL EST MORT A L'AUBE (The general died at dawn) (1936)
LES CROISADES (The crusades) (1935)
ALLER ET RETOUR (The gilded Lily) (1935)
ROSES DE SANG (So red the rose) (1935)
CLEOPATRE (Cleopatra) (1934)
ALL OF ME (All of me) (1934)
SERENADE A TROIS (Design for living) (1933)
LE CANTIQUE DES CANTIQUES (Song of songs) (1933)
LE BATEAU DE NOS REVES (One sunday afternoon) (1933)
HAUTE PEGRE (Trouble in paradise) (1932)
UNE HEURE PRES DE TOI (One hour with you) (1932)
LA BELLE NUIT (This is the night) (1932)
AIMEZ-MOI CE SOIR (Love me tonight) (1932)
L'HOMME QUE J'AI TUE (Broken Lullaby) (1931)
MAN OF THE WORLD (Man of the world) (1931)
I TAKE THIS WOMAN (I take this woman) (1931)
LADIES' MAN (Ladies' man) (1931)
MONTE-CARLO (Monte Carlo) (1930)
TRUE TO THE NAVY (True to the Navy) (1930)
PARAMOUNT EN PARADE (Paramount on parade) (1930)
THE TEXAN (The texan) (1930)
LES ENDIABLEES (The wild party) (1929)
LE STUDIO TRAGIQUE (The studio murder mystery) (1929)
THE MARRIAGE PLAYGROUND (The marriage playground) (1929)
PARADE D'AMOUR (The love parade) (1929)
MARIAGE A L'ESSAI (Half a bride) (1928)
LES ENFANTS DU DIVORCE (Children of divorce) (1927)
FRERES ENNEMIS (Rolled stocking) (1927)
THE CAT'S PAJAMAS (The cat's pajamas) (1926)
MASQUES D'ARTISTES (You never know women) (1926)
LE FILS PRODIGUE (The wanderer) (1925)
THE SPANIARD (The spaniard) (1925)