Liste des films du thème
Milieu du théâtre (Cinéma américain)
(Milieux socio-professionnels)
THE DISASTER ARTIST The disaster artist-2017
BIRDMAN : OU (LA SURPRENANTE VERTU DE L'IGNORANCE) Birdman : or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)-2014
FIFI HURLE DE JOIE Fifi az khoshhali zooze mikeshad-2013
LE ROLE DE MA VIE Wish I was here-2013
L'OMBRE DU MAL The raven-2011
L'ASSASSINAT DE JESSE JAMES PAR LE LACHE ROBERT FORD The assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford-2007
INLAND EMPIRE Inland Empire-2006
LA VIE ET TOUT LE RESTE Anything else-2003
LA FAMILLE TENENBAUM The royal Tenenbaums-2001
BROADWAY 39E RUE Cradle will rock-1999
ILLUMINATA Illuminata-1998
ENTRE AMIS ET VOISINS Your friends and neighbors-1998
LES IMPOSTEURS The impostors-1998
KISS ME GUIDO Kiss me Guido-1997
LA METHODE The method-1997
WAITING FOR GUFFMAN Waiting for guffman-1996
LOOKING FOR RICHARD Looking for Richard-1996
LAST SUMMER IN THE HAMPTONS Last summer in the Hamptons-1995
RAVE REVIEW Rave review-1994
COUPS DE FEU SUR BROADWAY Bullets over Broadway-1994
VANYA 42EME RUE Vanya on 42nd street-1994
A LIFE IN THE THEATER A life in the theater-1993
NAKED IN NEW YORK Naked in New York-1993
LA GRANDE OMBRE The long shadow-1992
TALKIN' DIRTY AFTER DARK Talkin' dirty after dark-1991
FEAR ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION Fear anxiety and depression-1989
WEEDS Weeds-1987
AU-DESSOUS DU VOLCAN Under the vulcano-1984
THE WAY IT IS The way it is-1984
ETRE OU NE PAS ETRE To be or not to be-1983
PIEGE MORTEL Deathtrap-1982
JANE AUSTEN IN MANHATTAN Jane Austen in Manhattan-1980
INCREDIBLE TORTURE SHOW Bloodsucking freaks-1976
THE COMIC The comic-1969
ENTER LAUGHING Enter laughing-1967
ACT ONE Act one-1963
LE TOMBEUR DE CES DAMES The ladies' man-1961
NE MANGEZ PAS LES MARGUERITES Please don't eat the daisies-1960
LA VIE A BELLES DENTS But not for me-1959
LE DEMON DE MIDI This happy feeling-1958
LES FEUX DU THEATRE Stage struck-1958
LA FUREUR D'AIMER Marjorie Morningstar-1958
UN SEUL AMOUR Jeanne Eagels-1957
LE PRINCE DES ACTEURS Prince of players-1954
MAIN STREET TO BROADWAY Main street to Broadway-1953
COMMERAGES Affair with a stranger-1953
GLOIRE ET FORTUNE The actress-1953
ACTORS AND SIN Actors and sin-1952
LE MASQUE ARRACHE Sudden fear-1952
EVE All about Eve-1950
OTHELLO A double life-1948
QUAND LE RIDEAU TOMBE The velvet touch-1948
LES EXPLOITS DE PEARL WHITE The perils of Pauline-1947
AVENTURE A DEUX The voice of the turtle-1947
L'ETRANGLEUR Lady of burlesque-1943
JEUX DANGEREUX To be or not to be-1942
LA VIE COMMENCE A 8 HEURES 30 Life begins at 8:30-1942
LA MANIERE FORTE The hard way-1942
FINIE LA COMEDIE No time for comedy-1940
LA FEMME AUX CHEVEUX ROUGES Lady with red hair-1940
LA DOUCE ILLUSION It's a date-1940
LE MONDE EST MERVEILLEUX It's a wonderful world-1939
COUPS DE THEATRE Dramatic school-1938
LE GRAND GARRICK The great Garrick-1937
L'AVENTURE DE MINUIT It's love I'm after-1937
THEATRE FANTOME All over town-1937
LE COL DE L'ARC-EN-CIEL The rainbow pass-1937
L'INTRUSE Dangerous-1935
LE SONGE D'UNE NUIT D'ETE A midsummer night's dream-1935
TRAIN DE LUXE Twentieth century-1934
LA PARADE DU RIRE The old fashioned way-1934
GLOIRE EPHEMERE Morning glory-1933
UNE ALLUMETTE A TROIS Three on a match-1932
UNE BONNE ACTION One good turn-1931
THE GUARDSMAN The guardsman-1931
UNE FEMME DIVINE The divine woman-1928
LE DERNIER AVERTISSEMENT The last warning-1928
THE CAMPUS CARMEN The campus Carmen-1928
BESSIE A BROADWAY The matinee idol-1928
UPSTREAM Upstream-1927
LA BOHEME La boheme-1926
L'IVRESSE DES PLANCHES Bromo and Juliet-1926
DECHEANCE The goose woman-1925
LE CHAMPION DE L'AFFICHE Publicity pays-1924
FRIGO FREGOLI The playhouse-1921
FATTY CABOTIN Back stage-1919
THE WILD GOOSE CHASE The wild goose chase-1915
LA GUERISON DE L'IVROGNE A drunkard's reformation-1909