Diverses communautés
Enfance (Cinéma britannique)
Liste des films
WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN We need to talk about Kevin-2011
NEVER LET ME GO Never let me go-2010
THE CHILDREN The children-2008
RUBY BLUE Ruby blue-2007
IT'S A FREE WORLD It's a free world-2007
CASHBACK Cashback-2006
THIS IS ENGLAND This is England-2006
MANSFIELD PARK Mansfield Park-1999
RATCATCHER Ratcatcher-1999
BILLY & ZORBA Billy & Zorba-1999
UNE VIE NORMALE Hollow reed-1996
SMALL FACES Small faces-1996
BOSTON KICKOUT Boston kickout-1994
LE DEUXIEME PERE Second best-1994
CEMENT GARDEN The cement garden-1993
LE TOUR D'ECROU The turn of the screw-1992
UNE LONGUE JOURNEE QUI S'ACHEVE The long day closes-1992
L'ENFANT MIROIR The reflecting skin-1990
LE BON GROS GEANT The bfg-1989
BRULANT SECRET Burning secret-1988
THE WOLVES OF WILLOUGHBY CHASE The wolves of willoughby chase-1988
CRYSTALSTONE Crystalstone-1987
THE KITCHEN TOTO The kitchen toto-1987
LAMB Lamb-1985
DELIT DE FUITE Slayground-1984
RUNNERS Runners-1983
LE BONHOMME DE NEIGE The snowman-1982
MENAGE A TROIS Better late that never-1982
BLACK JACK Black Jack-1979
BLOODY KIDS Bloody kids-1979
CHILDREN Children-1976
LE PETIT PRINCE The little prince-1974
CEUX DE CHEZ MOI My ain folk-1973
THE WICKER MAN The wicker man-1973
MON ENFANCE My childhood-1972
BAXTER Baxter-1971
LE CORRUPTEUR The nightcomers-1971
UN DIMANCHE COMME LES AUTRES Sunday bloody sunday-1971
QUI A TUE TANTE ROO ? Who ever slew auntie roo ?-1971
LE CHEVAL ET L'ENFANT Black beauty-1971
OLIVER ! Oliver !-1968
CHAQUE SOIR A NEUF HEURES Our mother's house-1967
THE BOY CRIED MURDER The boy cried murder-1966
L'ONCLE The uncle-1964
SA MAJESTE DES MOUCHES Lord of the flies-1963
L'ODYSSEE DU PETIT SAMMY Sammy going south-1963
THE PIPER'S TUNE The piper's tune-1962
LES DAMNES The damned-1962
LA BOMBE The war game-1962
LE GOSSE AU MILLION The boy who stole a million-1961
NO KIDDING No kidding-1960
MEFIEZ-VOUS DES INCONNUS Never take sweets from a stranger-1960
AMELIA AND THE ANGEL Amelia and the angel-1957
TOGETHER Together-1956
ONE POTATO TWO POTATO One potato two potato-1956
L'ENFANT A LA LICORNE A kid for two farthings-1955
THE CHILD The child-1954
LE BALLON JAUNE The yellow balloon-1952
TO THE RESCUE To the rescue-1952
RAPT Hunted-1952
L'AIMANT The magnet-1950
LE MOINEAU DE LA TAMISE The mudlark-1950
JENNIFER No place for jennifer-1950
CENDRILLON DU FAUBOURG No room at the inn-1948
PREMIERE DESILLUSION The fallen idol-1948
SIMON Simon-1948
A COR ET A CRI Hue and cry-1947
THE THURSDAY'S CHILD The thursday's child-1943
BIG FELLA Big fella-1937