Liste des films du thème
Milieu scolaire (Cinéma britannique)
(Milieux socio-professionnels)
WHEN THE LIGHTS WENT OUT When the lights went out-2012
BROKEN Broken-2012
LE GEANT EGOÏSTE The selfish giant-2012
LA TAUPE Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy-2011
WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN We need to talk about Kevin-2011
NEVER LET ME GO Never let me go-2010
BE HAPPY Happy-go-lucky-2008
MOOG Moog-2007
THIS IS ENGLAND This is England-2006
HISTORY BOYS The history boys-2006
CASHBACK Cashback-2006
CHRONIQUE D'UN SCANDALE Notes on a scandal-2006
THE GREAT ECSTASY OF ROBERT CARMICHAEL The great ecstasy of Robert Carmichael-2005
AMERICAN HAUNTING An american haunting-2004
WATERLAND Waterland-1992
THE COUNTRY GIRLS The country girls-1983
ATTRACTA Attracta-1983
CITES DE LA NUIT Nighthawks-1978
CHILDREN Children-1976
THE WICKER MAN The wicker man-1973
ASSAULT Assault-1971
KES Kes-1969
LES BELLES ANNEES DE MISS BRODIE The prime of miss Jean Brodie-1968
LA MOTOCYCLETTE The girl on a motorcycle-1968
LES ANGES AUX POINGS SERRES To sir with love-1967
THE WITCHES The witches-1966
THE GREAT ST. TRINIAN'S TRAIN ROBBERY The great St. Trinian's train robbery-1966
UN GOUT DE MIEL A taste of honey-1961
LE VERDICT Term of trial-1961
LE COLLEGE S'EN VA-T-EN GUERRE Carry on teacher-1959
C'EST NOUS LES GARS DE LAMBETH We are the Lambeth boys-1958
FOLLE DES HOMMES Mad about men-1954
TROIS DAMES ET UN AS The card-1952
L'OMBRE D'UN HOMME The Browning version-1950
CETTE SACREE JEUNESSE The happiest days of your life-1950
NOBLESSE OBLIGE Kind hearts and coronets-1949
LISTEN TO BRITAIN Listen to Britain-1942
L'ESPION NOIR The spy in black-1939
TEMPETE DANS UNE TASSE DE THE Storm in a teacup-1937
THINGS ARE LOOKING UP Things are looking up-1935
C'EST LA VIE... Downhill-1926
L'AIGLE DE LA MONTAGNE The mountain eagle-1926